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The 17 Early Signs of Pregnancy

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17 Early Signs of Pregnancy:

Am I pregnant ? will have a baby? have to do a home pregnancy test?
Whatever your feelings, you can prepare yourself best for learning about the early signs of pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms.

17 Early Signs of Pregnancy:

  ♦ Tips

  • It is not necessary for a woman to experience the same symptoms and signs of pregnancy each time she decides to have a baby

  • Symptoms and signs of pregnancy vary among women in terms of type and severity

early symptoms and signs of pregnancy

late pregnancy symptoms can include

When do the pregnancy symptoms start?

The first week of pregnancy depends on the last date of your period.

early pregnancy timeline signs and symptoms

The following early signs and symptoms of pregnancy are just a guideline. Many early pregnancy symptoms will seem like routine pre-menstrual discomforts.

17Early Signs of Pregnancy

17 early signs of pregnancy

1- Late or Missed Period 

Maybe the most obvious early pregnancy symptoms are when you've missed your period.
Many women may not experience any of the signs of pregnancy described below until they notice they have missed their period.
when implantation is completed, Your body starts to produce a hormone (hCG). This hormone will help your body maintain pregnancy.
And makes the ovaries to stop releasing mature eggs every month. of course, you will miss your period throughout the pregnancy.
But maybe you have an irregular period, you need to take a pregnancy test to confirm.
Read Also what are first week pregnancy symptoms

2- Breast changes

Your breasts may be the first symptom of pregnancy. As early as two weeks after conception,
hormonal changes may course of pregnancy and this causes many physical changes,
including in your breasts. You may notice that :

- Your areolas may darken and get larger.
- Your breasts are swollen
- tender and sore (painful)
- Your breasts are sensitive
- nipples are darkening and protruding for breastfeeding
- Your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.

in the early stages of pregnancy breast pain can be bothersome, but once your hormones begin to settle down you can expect most of these symptoms to resolve.

♦ Tips
- The bra must be comfortable, cotton, supportive maternity, and underwire-free
- You have to choose one that gives you more room to grow in the coming months.
- Use the breast pads that reduce friction on your nipples and nipple pain.

3- Fatigue

This symptom may be related to numerous factors, the work and social pressures can mean that.
On these days, most women feel like they're not getting enough sleep.
But fatigue and tiredness can also be early as the first week of pregnancy.
Even at this early stage, the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body can cause unusual fatigue.
progesterone levels begin to rise rapidly and will continue to do so throughout your first trimester.
Progesterone is the hormonal sustenance of pregnancy.
At the same time, changes in blood pressure and blood sugar can all contribute to feeling lethargic, sleepy and lacking in energy.

♦ Tips
- In the early weeks of pregnancy, you have to make an effort to get enough sleep.
- keeping your bedroom cool because Your body temperature may be higher during the early stages of pregnancy.
- finally, add a little more iron and protein to your food.

4-Vaginal discharge

In the early signs of pregnancy, may you notice a thick, milky discharge from your vagina in the underwear!
This is completely normal and This occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy because the vaginal walls thicken.
the Vaginal discharge maybe occur throughout the pregnancy

♦ Tips

Seek your doctor’s opinion if :
- The discharge smells bad, or if it is associated with burning and itching,
this is a sign of a bacterial or yeast infection. maybe you need to be treated for it.

5- Slight bleeding or cramping

In a cycle without conception, during ovulation the cervical mucus, or discharge,
increases and thickens to help carry sperms to meet the egg. within 24 hours of ovulation, the stretchy cervical mucus will dry up.
But if you will have a baby in the first weeks of pregnancy, the light vaginal bleeding occurs between 1 and 2 weeks after fertilization.
implantation bleeding, because it happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.
can also be accompanied by mild cramps that resemble the cramps of menstruation.
This is completely normal and is the result of increased development in the lining of the vagina.
It shouldn't cause anything more than mild spotting in your underwear.

some signs of implantation bleeding:

  • The color of each episode may be red, brown, or pink.

  • The pain can be severe, mild or moderate.

  •  implantation bleeding is likely to last less than 3 days.

♦ Tips

- Seek your doctor’s opinion if the bleeding is heavy or if the cramping is severe.
- Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, or using illicit drugs, it maybe makes heavy bleeding.

6- Darkening of the areola

if you will have a baby, you have to notice that the area around your nipples Known as ( the areolas ) becomes larger or darker.
During pregnancy, your areolas may grow and the color may deepen. For worse or better,
These changes often remain after birth. maybe you witnessing one of the first signs of pregnancy.
This change in appearance is just a normal result of pregnancy Like so many pregnancy symptoms and isn't a cause for alarm.
for preparing your breasts to feed the baby.
Also, you may notice (Montgomery tubercles ) bumps pop up on the perimeter of your areolas. They provide lubrication to your nipples.

7- Sensitivity to certain smells 

Smell sensitivity during early pregnancy, most women usually develop a high sensitivity to smell during the first trimester.
sometimes smell sensitivity may trigger nausea and vomiting.

8- Morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting

This is actually a misnomer because the nausea of ​​pregnancy can occur at any time of day or night,
but morning is the most common time. Nausea often lasts 4 to 6 weeks and this varies depending on the body's hormones.
the nausea is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. most women will have vomiting along with nausea during their first trimester.
but usually becomes less severe as you enter the second trimester.
Some women never experience morning sickness but other women may have severe nausea.
Often the smell foods, perfume or cigarette smoke may cause nausea in early pregnancy.

9- Shortness of breath 

The Pregnant may need more oxygen during the growing fetus, which causes shortness of breath. Therefore,
some women feel shortness of breath during pregnancy. However, this does not occur in early pregnancy symptoms,
may that can occur in later stages of pregnancy.

Read Also   How early do pregnancy symptoms start?

10- Mood changes

Changes in mood during early pregnancy, It’s totally natural.
Progesterone and Estrogen levels will be high during pregnancy. means hormone fluctuations as your body begin the process of growing a baby.
So do not be surprised by the changes of feelings or emotions that happen with you during pregnancy,
which may cause more feelings of depression, anxiety, weepy, and irritability.

11- Constipation 

In pregnancy, it is quite normal for most women to experience constipation. This is because of the hormone progesterone,
which is released by the body at high rates during pregnancy as we mentioned earlier.
This hormone can slow down your bowels and their peristalsis movement.
Therefore, you should minimize constipation and increase the amount of magnesium-rich foods.ِAnd Be sure to drink enough water.

12- Back pain

Some women can experience lower back pain during the early stages of pregnancy and can be painful throughout pregnancy.

♦ Tips

  • keep your back straight when you pick something up from the floor

  • avoid lifting heavy objects

  • get enough rest

  • You can take paracetamol to ease back pain while you are pregnant unless your doctor says not to.

  • a massage or warm bath may help

  • wear flat shoes to evenly distribute your weight

  • keep your back straight and well supported–look for maternity support pillows

13-Food aversions or cravings

Like many other symptoms of early pregnancy, cravings may be one of the most common forms of pregnancy.
Of course, it is the result of hormonal changes and fluctuations in the body during pregnancy and can have two effects on your body, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, but often disappear at the end of the first trimester.
The first effect is hunger and food cravings, where some women sometimes eat food they have never loved or ask for food or fruit that they have never asked for before.
The second effect is the feeling of nausea from some foods or smells. While some women can get nausea from her favorite food before pregnancy.Like many other symptoms of early pregnancy, cravings may be one of the most common forms of pregnancy.
Of course, it is the result of hormonal changes and fluctuations in the body during pregnancy and can have two effects on your body, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, but often disappear at the end of the first trimester.
The first effect is hunger and food cravings, where some women sometimes eat food they have never loved or ask for food or fruit that they have never asked for before.
The second effect is the feeling of nausea from some foods or smells. While some women can get nausea from her favorite food before pregnancy.

14- Headaches

During pregnancy, some women may experience mild headaches as a result of hormonal change in the body. This headache can be frequent.
This headache can be the first stage of pregnancy.

15- Dizziness or fainting

Most women in the early stages of pregnancy feel Faintness and dizziness due to several factors, the most important of which is blood pressure and maybe low blood sugar.
- During pregnancy, you can feel dizziness as a result of the expansion of your blood vessels causing low blood pressure.
- Most cases of high blood pressure are the most difficult and can continue this situation during the first twenty weeks of pregnancy. They vary depending on the nature of the body

♦ Tips

1- Drink enough water.
2- Eat snacks regularly.
3- Standing up slowly when getting up from a chair may also help.
4- Consider switching to pregnancy-friendly exercises.

Read Also   How can I increase my chances to get pregnant?

16- Increased urination

In the early stages of pregnancy and as a result of changing hormone levels in your body you can expect some changes to your body's routine,
some women at this time are experiencing more urination.
Increased urination starts from the sixth to eighth week of pregnancy and please in the event of other symptoms,
such as heartburn in urination, you should see a doctor.

17- Raised body temperature

Higher basal body temperature may also be a sign of pregnancy, if its continued elevation for more than two weeks may mean that you're pregnant.
what is your basal body temperature? it is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning.
During this time, maybe you have to drink more water.

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