Different reasons behind your newborn crying

Newborn crying is something that happens a lot—but they sleep even more.
A newborn sleeps about eight hours during the day and eight hours at night interruptedly.
Your baby in the general cases doesn’t sleep through the night until she’s three months.
Some babies start sleeping through the night when they are six months.
So it stands to reason that lots of the newborn crying startup
when you thought she was sleeping peacefully—or when you're trying to sleep.
Your newborn crying is the main thing that makes you respond to her and be alerted to her needs.
Babies cry at night to tell that they need your help.
What is she willing to tell you when she wakes up crying? The following are the common reasons your baby cries at night,
and what things to do when want to calm a crying baby.
1. It is usual to have a newborn crying
This type of crying is usually blamed on disruptions in your baby’s normal schedule and is rarely due to discomfort associated with a feeding issue.
It may be the time for food or sleep, or your baby may be overstimulated.
What Helps: To soothe a baby crying at night, try to cuddle, swaddle, and walk with her,
anything that provides body contact and motion. A white-noise machine or fan in the room can help, too.
2. Pure hunger results in the newborn crying
Your newborn needs to eat every few hours because her stomach is so small to enter big meals.The most common reason babies cry at night is because they are hungry.
What Helps: Crying is actually a late signal of hunger, after things like smacking lips or sucking on fist.
Check the clock, and when it’s been two or three hours since the last feeding, your baby is probably waking up to be fed again.
3. Hunger-gas-crying cycle
If your baby cries at night from hunger for some time,she may work herself into a frenzy and find it difficult to calm down when soothing arrives.
When a baby is so hungry, sometimes she then gulps air with the milk,causing gas.
This can create a cycle of discomfort that makes your baby fuss and cry instead of settling back into sleep once her hunger has been satisfied.
What Helps: Feed your baby before she becomes extremely hungry.
Taking a break to burp her during a feeding, and after, can help.
4. Newborn crying associated with an allergyWhen your baby’s crying is continuous and not related to hunger, sleep, or general discomfort, there might be cow’s milk protein allergy in the case.
Colic due to cow’s milk protein allergy tends to show such signs:
crying for more than three hours a day for more than three days per week, and for more than three weeks.
What Helps: You should consult your pediatrician to determine if your baby's crying is the result of a cow's milk protein allergy or it is normal.
What Helps: Especially if you’ve just fed your baby and she’s still fussy, consider these other possibilities to learn how to stop a crying baby.
A diaper change before feedings can make her feel calmer while eating.
If you suspect she is sickness, check her temperature; a rectal temperature over 100.4°F (38°C) warrants a call to your pediatrician.
Too much noise, moving or visual stimulation also could drive your baby to cry.
Move to a more peaceful environment or place your baby in the crib.
White noise — such as a recording of ocean waves or the monotonous sound of an electric fan — might help your crying baby relax.
If you need to distract yourself for a few minutes, place your baby safely in the crib and make a cup of tea or call a friend.
Colic can be defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week,
for three or more weeks in an otherwise healthy infant.
The crying might seem like an expression of pain and begin for no clear reason.
The timing might be predictable, with periods often happening at night.
If you're troubled about colic, talk to your baby's health care provider.
He or she can check if your baby is healthy and provide additional soothing techniques.
Taking care of yourself
Remaining relaxed will make it easier to solace your baby.
Take a break and rest when you can. Ask friends and loved ones for help. Remember that this is temporary.
Crying spells often top at about six to eight weeks and then gradually decrease.
If your baby's crying is causing you to feel losing control,
put the baby in the crib, and go to another room to collect yourself. If necessary, contact a family member or friend,
your health care provider, a local crisis intervention service, or a mental health helpline for support.
Colic due to cow’s milk protein allergy tends to show such signs:
crying for more than three hours a day for more than three days per week, and for more than three weeks.
What Helps: You should consult your pediatrician to determine if your baby's crying is the result of a cow's milk protein allergy or it is normal.
Also, you can read Understand your newborn crying
5. Other Discomfort
Although the stomach is your baby’s main alarm clock right now, many other things can cause baby crying at night. Check for:- A diaper that needs changing
- A finger tangled uncomfortably in a swaddle
- A room that’s grown too hot or too cold
- Sickness (like cold or ear infection which will waken her more often than usual.)
What Helps: Especially if you’ve just fed your baby and she’s still fussy, consider these other possibilities to learn how to stop a crying baby.
A diaper change before feedings can make her feel calmer while eating.
If you suspect she is sickness, check her temperature; a rectal temperature over 100.4°F (38°C) warrants a call to your pediatrician.
Too much noise, moving or visual stimulation also could drive your baby to cry.
Move to a more peaceful environment or place your baby in the crib.
White noise — such as a recording of ocean waves or the monotonous sound of an electric fan — might help your crying baby relax.
6. Let the newborn Crying be out
If he or she is still upset after you, you've tried everything it's OK to let your baby cry.If you need to distract yourself for a few minutes, place your baby safely in the crib and make a cup of tea or call a friend.
Is it just fussiness, or is it colic?
Babies sometimes have frustrating periods of repetitive, prolonged and intense crying known as colic — typically starting a few weeks after birth and improving by age 3 months.Colic can be defined as crying for three or more hours a day, three or more days a week,
for three or more weeks in an otherwise healthy infant.
The crying might seem like an expression of pain and begin for no clear reason.
The timing might be predictable, with periods often happening at night.
If you're troubled about colic, talk to your baby's health care provider.
He or she can check if your baby is healthy and provide additional soothing techniques.
Taking care of yourself
Remaining relaxed will make it easier to solace your baby.
Take a break and rest when you can. Ask friends and loved ones for help. Remember that this is temporary.
Crying spells often top at about six to eight weeks and then gradually decrease.
If your baby's crying is causing you to feel losing control,
put the baby in the crib, and go to another room to collect yourself. If necessary, contact a family member or friend,
your health care provider, a local crisis intervention service, or a mental health helpline for support.